Sean O’Mara

Company: DPR Construction
Job title: National College Recruiting Lead
Develop: What More Should We Know About Strategies to Inspire & Attract the Next-Generation of Construction Talent? 12:00 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair What practical steps can recruiters take to demonstrate the opportunities a career in construction can offer to young candidates? What specific rewards and benefits have you found are most highly regarded in young talent pools? How can construction recruiters leverage storytelling as an effective tool to attract…Read more
day: Day Two Track B
Discover: Optimizing College Recruiting as a Construction Firm 11:00 am
Build stronger partnerships with local educational institutions to enhance campus recruiting and position your firm as a top choice for talented graduates Learn how DPR aligned regional pipeline forecasting with a refined campus strategy, fostering relationships with leading schools to attract top-tier talent Discover how a revamped approach increased DPR’s full-time and intern hires by…Read more
day: Day Two Track B