Pre-Conference Workshop Day
Monday 6 May 2024 I 2-5pm

Attendees had a choice of two workshops to attend:


Workshop A - Mastering College Recruiting in Construction


Workshop B - Enhancing DE&I in the Construction Industry




Mastering College Recruiting in Construction

Your One-Stop-Shop for Enhancing Your Construction Firm’s College Recruiting Strategy


This workshop is a must-attend for construction firms looking to expand their reach amongst college students. Whether you have an established college recruiting strategy, or you’re starting from scratch – this workshop promises to equip you with brand-new ideas, connections, and inspiration to help you spearhead your college recruitment efforts and attract the top future leaders in construction.

2:00 pm Chairs Welcome Remarks

2:05 pm Discover: Understand the Fundamentals of a Top-Tier College Recruiting Strategy at Your Construction Firm


  • Identify key decision-drivers to demonstrate value in a career in construction to next-gen candidates
  • Uncover the impact of the novel approaches to college hiring to bolster your Gen-Z recruiting efforts
  • Learn how Lennar’s comprehensive college recruiting strategy has led to an increase of brand awareness amongst next-gen talent and enabled it to grow its yearly college intake from 12 to 160+

2:25 pm Develop: What Else is Key When Rethinking Your Construction College Recruiting Strategy?


  • What has been a key lesson learnt when targeting college applicants for construction roles?
  • What are the key differences in your approach for Gen-Z recruiting vs. older generations?

2:35 pm Action: What Changes Are You Going to Make to Your College Recruiting Strategy?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • How can you evolve your recruiting strategy to reflect the priorities of the younger generation?
  • What are you going to change about your sourcing approach to find the best prospective talent from colleges?

2:55 pm Speed-Learning


In this quick-fire session, you will join table discussions led by construction TA leaders sharing their most high-impact LEAPs.

3:25 pm Comfort Break

4:00 pm Mastermind Table Activity

5:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Workshop


Enhancing DE&I in the Construction Industry

Successfully Build an Inclusive Culture to Engage & Retain a Diverse Workforce


Are you looking for tangible ideas to truly foster inclusivity at your construction firm? Then look no further, this workshop promises to deliver just that. Wherever you are on your journey, participating in this workshop will leave you with the ideas, inspiration, and network to take your diversity offering to new heights.

2:00 pm Chairs Welcome Remarks

2:05 pm Discover: The Role of Diverse & Community-Focused Projects to Attract & Retain an Engaged Construction Workforce

  • Henry Nutt Preconstruction Executive, Southland Industries


  • Recognizing the impact of DE&I training for managers to attract and retain top construction talent
  • Uncover the significance of diversity-led initiatives to build your employer brand and broaden your candidate pool
  • Discover how Southland Industries is embracing community-centric RFPs to promote external and internal inclusivity, leading to enhanced overall productivity and positioning the firm as a desirable destination for talent

2:25 pm Discover: How Can Construction TA Leaders Address the Gender Imbalance in the Industry

  • Janine Pesci Director -Talent Development, Okland Construction


  • How can construction leaders leverage partnerships with external organizations to promote gender equality in the industry?
  • How best to teach awareness training for hiring managers to address inequalities in the recruitment process
  • Uncover Okland’s approach to addressing the gender imbalance in construction, which has seen the number of female employees increase by over 400% since 2020

2:45 pm Discover: Novel Approaches to Increasing the Diversity of Your Field Workforce


  • Uncover the key tenets of a robust program to attract and engage a diverse field workforce
  • How reach and engage young diverse talent through projects and activity days to demonstrate opportunities in a career in construction
  • Discover the story behind Elford’s approach to building diversity into the foundations of its TA strategy, resulting in a substantial increase in minority employees in its trade workforce

3:05 pm Develop: What Else Should We Know About Improving DE&I?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

  • Best practices and tips for construction TA leaders looking to enhance DE&I
  • Understanding the obstacles and opportunities when making an inclusive culture a reality

3:25 pm Action: What Changes Are You Going to Make to Your Diversity Strategy?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • How can you improve your approach to inclusivity for your construction workforce?
  • What more could your construction firm be doing to promote DE&I in the community?

3:45 pm Comfort Break

4:00 pm Mastermind Table Activity

5:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Workshop