Day One

Tuesday 7th May 2024

7:40 am Coffee & Check In

8:40 am What it Takes to Make a Leap a Reality

8:50 am Chair’s Welcome, Opening Remarks & Connection Before Content

Defining an Impactful Employer Brand for Your Construction Firm

9:00 am Discover: Engaging & Attracting Veteran Talent as a Construction Firm


  1. Engaging Military Veterans in your recruiting efforts
  2. Tying your Employee Value Proposition to your Veteran hiring initiatives
  3. Engaging 3rd Party Recruiting Vendors and making sure your EVP carries through

9:20 am Discover: Defining the Promise: Building the Best Employee Value Proposition in Construction


  • Understanding the needs of the talent market and your existing construction workforce
  • Creating an EVP that resonates both internally and externally
  • Exploring simple ways to bring your EVP to life in the market

9:40 am Discover: Develop a Stand-Out Employee Value Proposition (EVP) & Position Yourself as Construction Employer of Choice


  • How can construction firms define and promote their unique EVP to attract the industry’s top talent?
  • Uncover the most effective methods to communicate your employer brand to future prospective talent
  • Hear how Skanska is redefining its EVP to reach and attract top next-gen talent

10:00 am Develop: What Else Should We Know About Defining an Impactful EVP?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • Construction TA and communication leaders share best practices when defining an EVP to attract top talent
  • Understanding more about how to communicate a powerful EVP

10:20 am Action: What Are You Going to Implement to Improve Your EVP?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What changes can you make to the way you define your EVP through the application process?
  • How can you enhance the way you communicate your construction firm's EVP?

10:40 am Speed Networking Break


Small/Medium Construction Firms


Whether you are a smaller construction firm, or an established organization with legacies in place, find out how other small to mid-sized construction firms are moving beyond traditional TA practice to attract vital talent needed to meet project demand

Understanding Candidates’ Cognitive Traits for Increased Retention

11:20 am Discover: Integrate Cognitive & Behavioural Testing to Boost Your Construction Recruitment Process

  • Raul Morales Talent Acquisition Analytics and Systems Manager, Orion


  • Unlock the capabilities of Predictive Index in establishing key behavioural traits for prospective hires
  • Streamline the hiring process by identifying candidates with cognitive and behavioural compatibility with your construction firm for enhanced retention and workforce engagement
  • Learn how Orion has utilized Predictive Index to match candidates with the right roles, leading to significant reduction in turnover in both field and office roles

11:40 am Develop: What Else Should We Know About Identifying Cognitive Traits of Prospective Candidates?

  • Raul Morales Talent Acquisition Analytics and Systems Manager, Orion


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • Uncover tips and tricks for effective implementation of behavioural testing in the application process
  • Understand the impact of better understanding construction candidates to match them with the right role

12:00 pm Action: What Learnings Are You Taking Back to Your Organization?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • How can you start to identify key traits for construction candidates to succeed in the role they are applying for?
  • What changes can you make to your application process to get to know candidates more?


Medium/Large Construction Firms


Find out how the Top 100 ENR construction firms are designing high-impact talent acquisition strategies to meet growing project demand.

Benefits of a CofE to Turbocharge TA Efficiencies

11:20 am Discover: Transition From a Transactional to Strategic Construction TA Function

  • Tim McElhone Director - Talent Acquisition & Talent Management, Colas


  • Uncover how to maximize the impact of a centralized TA engine for your construction firm
  • Upskill your TA team from transactional processors to consultative strategists
  • The story behind Colas’ award-winning talent acquisition model, which has led to significantly improved time-to-fill and gender diversity

11:40 am Develop: What Else Can We Learn About Optimizing the TA Engine?

  • Tim McElhone Director - Talent Acquisition & Talent Management, Colas


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What else should construction TA leaders consider when scaling the TA function?
  • How can leaders achieve buy-in from senior leadership to build a centralized TA engine?

12:00 pm Action: What Key Learnings are You Taking Back to Your Organization?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What parts of your TA process could be standardized throughout the business?
  • How could you begin to build a case for a centralized TA machine?

12:20 pm Networking Lunch


Field Recruiting


Innovation in field recruiting is crucial to ensure the industry has access to a skilled and diverse workforce, enabling the successful execution of growing project demand.

Prioritizing Psychological Safety to Demonstrate a Responsible Workplace Culture for Field Talent

1:20 pm Discover: Building a Psychologically Safe Construction Workplace for Field Employees

  • Dan Lester Vice President - Field Culture & Inclusion, Clayco


  • What are the foundations of psychological safety as it relates to the construction industry?
  • How does a psychologically safe environment play into retaining and engaging talent?
  • Uncover Clayco’s journey to creating a truly psychologically safe culture for its workforce, enabling it to achieve consistently high employee engagement scores and attract top construction talent

1:40 pm Develop: What Else Should We Know About the Impact Safety Has on a Firms Ability to Hire the Best Construction Talent?

  • Dan Lester Vice President - Field Culture & Inclusion, Clayco


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What are the key tenets of a safety program?
  • How can TA effectively communicate the firm's safety program during the application process?

2:00 pm Action: What Are You Going to Change About Your Approach to Safety & How This is Portrayed in Your Hiring Process?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What can you improve about the way your communicate your firm's commitment to psychological safety to prospective talent?
  • How can you align job descriptions and external comms with your firm's psychological safety strategy?


Corporate Recruiting


Find out how you can best attract, onboard, and support the forward-thinking corporate talent to foster organizational growth

1:20 pm Discover: Establish a Pipeline of Qualified Project Leadership Candidates to Meet Growth Demands


  • How leadership’s involvement in the hiring process can lead to more effective candidate placing and alignment with requisition goals
  • Unlock the benefits of growing your passive recruitment efforts to enable more efficient role filling
  • Discover Quanta’s approach to successfully hiring qualified leaders to oversee growing project demand, enabling the company to double in size in the last seven years

1:40 pm Develop: What Else Can We Learn About Establishing a Pipeline of Project Leaders?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What would you recommend TA leaders prioritize to grow the pipeline of leadership candidates?
  • How does the data around passive recruitment demonstrate its effectiveness

2:00 pm Action: What Key Takeaway Are You Going to Implement in Your Organization?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What can you change to increase your pipeline of project leaders?
  • What have you learnt during this session to bolster leadership recruitment?

2:20 pm Networking & Refreshments Break

Leveraging the Best Technology to Revolutionize Your TA Capabilities

3:00 pm Discover: 3,2,1, Ignite! Lessons learned over 15 years in TA

3:20 pm Discover: How Can Construction Leverage TA Technology and Effectively Utilize Workday


  • Bridging the gap between system capabilities and your construction firm’s TA needs
  • Uncovering how best to implement live reporting developed for College Recruiting and Admin Roles
  • Discover how Swinerton is rethinking how it utilizes technology to bolster its recruiting efficiencies

3:40 pm Develop: What More Can We Learn About Leveraging Technology as a Tool to Enhance Hiring Capabilities?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • What should construction TA leaders consider when implementing a new technology to enhance their capabilities?
  • How to get the best out of current systems used based on your TA function's needs

4:00 pm Action: What Changes Are You Going to Make to the Way You Utilize Technology for TA?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

  • How can you improve efficiencies of your current ATS or HRIS?
  • What new knowledge of technology utilization can you take back to your organization?

4:20 pm Interactive Workshop: Creating a Culture of Connection

  • Claire Ross Talent Development & Recruiting Program Manager, Miller Electric Company

5:05 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Conference Day One

Networking Drinks Reception